MyBinding Sales Tax Forms


Sorry for the mess, but we're currently building this awesome page for future use. That means that what you see here is not the final version and, therefore, may not be accurate or applicable. If you have any questions about taxes in your state, please contact us at 1-800-944-4573 for help. 

Looking for the sales tax forms for your MyBinding order? Whether you are a dealer re-selling our products or an exempt organization, you can find all the tax forms you need to get set up as a tax-exempt company in our system. Questions? Please contact us.

Reseller/Dealer Instructions

If you are a reseller or dealer reselling the products you purchase from us, you may download the applicable resale form for your state below. Once filled in, send that form back to us so that we may omit the sales tax from your order.

Tax Exempt Organization Instructions

If you are tax exempt (such as a government agency, non-profit organization, or qualifying school), please provide either:

     • Recently dated official letterhead letter stating you are exempt from sales tax (blanket certificate).

     • State exemption certificate - For example, NY ST-119.1 (blanket certificate).

     • Official Purchase order - (Single-use certificate required for each order).

Completed Form Instructions

Once your forms are completed, please send them to:

         Email: [email protected]

         Fax: 1-800-944-4579,  Attention: Customer Service Department

Important: Please Include the Following

         Account Number — Be sure to include your MyBinding account number. Without this information, we may not be able to assign the form to the proper account. Call us at 1-800-944-4573 if you are unsure of your account number.

         Contact Information — Include your first and last name and the best way to reach you. We may need to contact you with questions and to let you know when your account is ready.

MyBinding Sales Tax Forms By-State

We are required by law to charge applicable sales tax in all of the states listed below. Find your state below to download the proper sales tax forms for your business.

Hint: Try Ctrl+F (Command + F on a Mac) and type in your state to quickly jump to your location on the list.

 Florida (FL)

Equipment Exemption Certificate - Florida
Resale Certificate - Florida
Dr-13 Expires on December 31st annually. External link: you must register on Florida's site to obtain the proper form

Maine (ME)

Revenue Services Sales, Fuel, & Special Tax Division Instructional Bulletin - Maine

Will not accept any out of state resale certificates

Maryland (MD)

Resale Certificate - Maryland

Will not accept any out of state resale certificates