Small Office Paper Shredders

Sensitive client or company information is nothing to mess around with, you want to make sure things like this are properly destroyed right in your office. For your smaller office or lower volume needs, the small office paper shredder line is perfect. This line is offered in strip cut (good), cross cut (better), and micro cut (best). Complete with all of your favorite brands including Fellowes, HSM, HP and more, this line is a sure bet when it comes to destroying important information for you or your customers. Check out our large selection below and see what our popular brands offer!

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Small Office Shredders Overview

Small Office Shredders Overview
Transcript : Welcome to MyBinding video. So you have a small office and you’re looking for a paper shredder. Well we have a couple of ideas for you to think about as you shop around. Naturally one of first questions is size – what size office do you have? What size shredder can you accommodate? Some of them can be quite large, but then again if you buy one that’s too small, it might not quite meet your needs and become rather annoying. And logically, that brings up shred capacity, the most important factor. How many sheets at one time can this machine shred? There are a few factors that contribute to...