Can I use Your Perforated Copy Paper to make Church Bulletins?

Are you looking to produce and print your own church bulletins but need a way to provide your congregation with a tear off section for sermon notes or to allow them to respond? You are not alone. More and more churches are choosing to use their own color copiers or color laser printers to print customized high quality church bulletins. The power to add your own graphics and present the image that you want is now in your hands. You no longer have to buy those expensive pre-printed bulletins that may or may not represent your congregation or your message. Pre-perforated copy paper will now make your life so much easier.

However, if you are looking to have a perforated flap on your bulletins for a tear off response card or for sermon notes, you might have run into a bit of problem. The equipment to perforate your own paper is not really realistic for most churches to own and operate (unless of course, your church has its own print shop). However, buying pre-perforated paper is a great option for churches who want to print their own bulletins.

The most common size used by churches for this application is 24lb Legal Sized Paper which is perforated at 3” from the bottom of the sheet. This allows you to have a half fold or tri-fold bulletin with a 3” wide tear off strip. However, some churches prefer a slightly larger tear off and use 24lb legal sized paper with a 3.5” wide tear off strip. The 24lb paper helps to reduce bleed through and provides a high quality finished product with an easy to tear off flap.

At this point you might be willing to purchase some to give it a try but you are probably wondering whether this paper will run through your copier or laser printer. Actually, the best thing about this paper is that it is guaranteed to be 100% photocopier compatible. This perforated paper is run through special rollers to ensure that it is completely flat and then is packaged in moisture resistant reams to eliminate curl. This means that you can easily duplex this perforated paper using your copier or laser printer. Some of the other perforated papers available on the market don’t run well through photocopiers causing no end of headaches.

If you have questions about using this type of paper to create your own Church Bulletins or have any other questions about the perforated paper or binding supplies that we carry please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to help.

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