Glow in the Dark Spiral Binding Coil

These glow-in-the-dark spiral coils will transport you back to childhood. It will be absolutely impossible to resist turning off the lights to watch our coil glow in the dark, and then, of course, you'll be turning the lights back on so you can re-charge the coil and do it all over again. At least, that's what I used to do in the bathroom at home with my various glow-in-the-dark toys--flip the lights on, flip the lights off, repeat. (It's highly probable I did the same thing in our office bathroom when I first got my hands on this luminous coil.) In addition to being totally awesome, this coil works with the majority of our binding machines and binding covers. Needless to say, our glow-in-the-dark coil is perfect for all your venues held in dark and poorly lit locations. Other than that, themes pertaining to outer-space, astronomy, aliens, night life, Halloween, light, and energy (and more!) would all be appropriate.
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