Fastback 9 Strip/Tape Binding Machine - FB9

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Item# FB9
  • 3.5 times faster than traditional punch-and-bind systems
  • Binds both soft and hardcover books
  • 250 sheet binding capacity
  • 1 year manufacturer warranty


The Powis Fastback 9 binding machine is one of the most compact and affordable systems on the market. With a footprint of just 13'' x 19.5'', it's a perfect choice for even the smallest work desks, whether in a copy shop or at home. The Fastback 9 is suitable for both tape binding and hardcover book binding, and has a binding time of 35-45 seconds - 3.5 times faster than traditional punch-and-bind systems. For professional results, use the Fastback 9 machine with our Lx-Strip binding strips, Halfback covers, or the Powis covers, available at a great price here at MyBinding. Want to customize your presentations and report? The Foilfast printer will print up to 7 foil colors in just a few minutes!

Product Details

  • Machine Dimensions: 19.5"W x 11"H x 13"D
  • Maximum weight: 17 lbs (7.7 kg)
  • Spine Lengths: 8.5", 11", A4, A5
  • Spine Thickness: Narrow, Medium
  • Page Sizes: 8.5" to 12" (21.6 cm to 30.5 cm)
  • Optimal Paper Weight: 20 lb standard (80 gsm) to 32 lb (120 gsm)
  • Edit Capability: Yes (<2 edit cycles, standard Lx strips only)
  • Binding Time: 35-45 seconds
  • Warm-up Time: None
  • 115VAC, 60 Hz, 8.4 amps
  • Regulatory Approvals: UL, CE, cUL, MITI, FCC Class B
  • Manufacturer's Warranty: 12 Month Manufacturer's Warranty

Demonstration Video

Fastback 9 Overview Video

Transcript : This is the Fastback 9 a Thermal Tape Binding Machine!
First take your back cover. Then take your printed project and add the front cover to top it all off.
Place the project into the machine without a binding strip and push the green button. The machine knows there is no binding, so it tells you what size you will need.
There are only two sizes of binding for projects up to 250 pages, which makes things easy. There is a separation within the glue, and a crease there—fold this along the entire strip.
Then take the strip and place it in the machine with the smaller end sticking up and ...

Editing Documents with The Fastback 9

Transcript : This is a demonstration on how to edit, removing, or adding pages to a book after it has already been bound. It's a very simple process of locating the page you want to remove. Adding the page that you want to put in.
The Fastback 9 heats the binding again just enough to remove the page allowing the second to take it's place. Jog everything into place and let it cool. Though not quite as strong as the first time around, these rebound documents are impressively durable.

Here is the edit mode, one step at a time. With the book that you're going to be editing at the ready. Be sure that the F ...

Fastback 9 - Binding a Hard Cover Book

Transcript : Welcome to Fastback helps from The Fastback 9 in conjunction with the Fastback hard cover guide allows you to bind a hard bound book. Let's watch it in action step by step.
Two main materials are used, a hard bound cover as well as what's called a block. The block is first bound and then glued inside the cover.

The first step is to bind the block. This is done the same way as you bind any document with the Fastback 9, the only difference being the project is sandwiched between two end sleeves in the front and the back with your project in the middle. These will then be attac ...

Staff Review

Fastback 9 Binding Machine Review

Fastback thermal binding is one of the most elegant ways to bind your documents and it just got a whole lot easier and affordable thanks to Powis Parker’s new Fastback 9 binding machine. With the Fastback 9, you can quickly create beautiful reports, proposals, and other documents that look and feel like real books. You can find out more about this great machine by continuing to read this article, so sit back, relax, and read on.

The Fastback 9 was designed to be powerful, convenient, and affordable. Well, affordable for a Fastback machine, that is. Fastback binding machines are definitely not the cheapest products on the market. For example, the Fastback 15xs can be yours for just over $6,000.00. (You have that amount under your mattress, right?) However, that machine is made for high-volume operations, whereas the Fastback 9 is meant for everyday offices and thus, is slightly more affordable. It retails for just over $2,000.00 and while that’s still a lot of dough, you really do get a lot for the price.

The Fastback 9 can perform both tape and hardcover book binding and it utilizes the fabulous variety of Fastback binding strips. It can bind documents up to 250 pages long and it does so quickly, within 30 to 45 seconds, so this is a great machine for companies that need to quickly bind bookstore-quality hardcover books. (In fact, this machine can bind your documents up to 3.5 times faster than a typical punch-and-bind machine.)

The Fastback 9 can handle strips that are 8.5″, 11″ and 11.7″(A4 Size) in length. It can also be used with two different strip widths: narrow and medium. You can use also Powis Parker’s L-Strips and Lx-Strips, as well as their Halfback covers and Bindercovers. And if you really want to get creative, you can use the company’s brand new ImageStrips. They’ll give your books an eye-catching, contemporary look. If you have Fastback’s Foilfast printer, you can definitely incorporate it into your binding. For those of you who don’t know what a Foilfast printer is, it’s a printer that can give your books a glamorous look by adding foil elements to your binding covers. (The Foilfast can print up to seven different colors.) And if you’d like to bind books that contain glossy paper, you can use the Fastback 9 along with Powis Parker’s Studio Photobook system to express yourself.

Combine those capabilities with all of the other binding elements available from Powis Parker and creatively speaking, the sky’s the limit when it comes to using the Fastback 9. It makes sense that the Fastback 9 can produce such gorgeous books considering the machine itself is very attractive. It has a purple and gray exterior, and it’s small enough to fit on any desk so finding a place to put the machine shouldn’t be a problem. You’ll also be able to get binding immediately with the Fastback 9 because it doesn’t need to warm up. You’ll save time and get great-looking books with this machine.

How cool, huh? Thermal binding has never been easier or more striking than with the Fastback 9 binding machine. Consider getting one for your home or office so you can produce books that everyone will love.

Helpful TIps

Tips For Better Binding With the Fastback Model 9

Using the Fastback model 8x or model 9 binding machine is incredibly easy. You simply prepare your document, fold your strip, put the strip into the binding machine, put the document into the binding machine and press the bind button. It doesn’t get a whole lot easier than that. However, there are a few tips and tricks that might help you to get the best results possible out of your machine. Here are five tips for binding documents with the Fastback model 9.

1. Before binding, make sure that the pages of your document are jogged together and are aligned evenly. After placing the pages into the machine it is helpful to tap the pages several times to ensure that they are even. You should also check to make sure that the Lx-Strip edge and document edge line up perfectly.

2. The grain of the paper should run parallel to the binding edge of the document. All paper has a grain – it is a result of the fibers that make up the paper. If the grain runs parallel to the long side of the sheet, the paper is “grain long”. When the grain runs parallel to the short side of the paper, it is “grain short”. A sheet of paper will naturally flex more easily along the direction of its grain. Try it and see. (Hold a piece of paper the long way lightly in your fingertips and gently bow the paper, allowing it to flex. Now try it the other way. See the difference? Most copy papers are grain long, so you should not have any problems with the bind. Grain long paper will give you the best bind. Occasionally you may find papers that are grain short, so we recommend you test unfamiliar papers before binding large numbers of documents.

3. Coated papers, and papers with heavy ink or toner coverage may also experience problems with binding. If you have documents with heavy ink or toner coverage, always do a test bind first to ensure that your documents will bind properly. If you are having problems with your pages binding securely there are a few things that you can try including using sand paper to roughen the edge of the paper, using the Powis Parker Fastback edge splitter, moving the ink coverage away from the spine of the book or even placing flat cinch staples close to the edge of the book block.

4. After the binding cycle, be sure to place your document entirely upright, with the bound side down, against one of the two rear book support fences for five minutes. This will allow the glue to properly cool and will help to ensure that your binding is as secure as possible. Improper cooling of your document may result in a crooked spine. Bind strength increases over time, and is maximized after 24 hours. However, when placing multiple documents in the front cooling compartment, make sure it doesn’t get overloaded to where the front document hangs off the metal step.

5. If you use your Fastback model 9 binding machine on a regular basis you should exepct some minor glue buildup on the heaters. It is important that you remove this glue on a regular basis to ensure the best possible performance of the machine. When cleaning the heaters, turn the machine off and unplug it. Wait for the heaters to cool, and then wipe off any glue using a dry lint free cloth. Cleaning solution is not necessary.

These are just a few tips and tricks to help you get the best possible results when binding books and documents with your Fastback model 9 binding machine. Following these tips should help you achieve strong, straight and professional binds ever time using your machine.

If you are interested in more information about the Fastback Model 9 or are looking for Fastback Binding Machines or Fastback Binding Strips you should visit They are the largest online dealer for Powis Parker Fastback products in the United States. In fact, they carry the entire line of Powis Parker Fastback binding products.

Questions & Answers

Thank you for your question. You can definitely custom print on the binding, which are called Image Strips. You can find them here

Answered by MyBinding
5 years and 8 months ago ago
Thank you for your question. The Narrow LX strips for the FastBack 9 will be able to bind up to 125 sheets of 20# copier paper. If you are binding 120 sheets of a heavier stock you would want to go with the Medium width strip. The FastBack 9 makes a very secure bind and the pages will not slip out.

Answered by MyBinding
6 years and 4 months ago ago
Unfortunately we are unable to sell the Fastback 9 outside of the United States. If you wanted to contact your dealer in Malaysia, here is a seller in your area: [email protected]/

They would be able to sell the machine and probably service it also. Hope that helps!

Answered by
6 years and 9 months ago ago
Asked by how many pages can this machin
Thank you for your question. The Fastback 9 can bind up to 250 sheets of paper at one time.

Answered by
7 years ago
Thank you for your question. With the FastBack line of machines you would need to use a heat resistant plastic cover because it is a thermal process. You can find our heat resistant clear covers here .

Answered by MyBinding
7 years and 5 months ago ago
Thank you for your questions. Unfortunately there are not stock supplies for the FastBack 9 to make "half sized" books. There are Super Strips for the FastBack 20 ( found here ) available for half sized books. These strips would work to make softcover books. We reached out to Powis and unfortunately they do not have a half sized hard cover available for either model of FastBack.

Answered by MyBinding
7 years and 9 months ago ago
You can use a 32 LB standard paper to bind in this machine but we do not recommend glossy paper. Unfortunately there is not enough pores in the glossy paper for the glue to adhere to and it can cause a week bind. The pages can often slip out of the book. If you are unsure of the paper you are using will work with this machine, we are more than happy to have you send us samples so we can bind the book together and test it. You can reach us at 800-944-4573.

Answered by
8 years and 1 months ago ago
This machine does have an edit mode. We don't suggest you edit more than twice as each time you remove a piece of paper from the machine, you are taking some of the adhesive with the page you remove. It does still have a nice bind once you are finished.

Answered by
8 years and 1 months ago ago
Thank you for your question. With the FastBack the weight is not going to be as much of a issue as material and coating as far as stocks go. The 2 big things to watch for are, glossy stocks and thermal resistance. A poly or plastic cover that is not thermal resistant could warp or melt during the binding process. The coating on glossy stocks can prevent the glue from adhering to the edge of the page and allowing a solid bind.

Answered by MyBinding
8 years and 5 months ago ago